Friday, January 30, 2009

13 months and 1 day old

Yesterday, Charlie started walking by his own volition.
Check Spelling

Since his first steps just over a month ago Charlie has been a reluctant walker and really needed intensive coaxing before he would bother gracing us with his walking ability. That all changed yesterday, when he decided it was time to walk about. He's now peripatetic He still falls over every 40 steps or so, but so far, hasn't hurt himself.

Because of his new found willingness to walk, today I rushed out to buy a "baby gate" to install at the top of the stairs as when he walks from his bedroom to ours he invariably gravitates towards the stairs and needs grabbing before he decides to plunge downstairs head first. None of the Vietnamese in the house had seen anything like this gate before, and as it is Chinese New Year there were certainly enough of them, but I believe they were most impressed when they saw me install it. I believe I have gone up in their estimation.

I went to the post office this morning to pick up a package that his English grandparents sent him. We received a letter from the post office notifying us of its arrival just before Chinese New Year, but the post office has been closed until today so this was the first opportunity I had to pick it up.

The parcel contained two swimsuits to keep Charlie warm whilst he is splishing and a splashing in the local pool. I took him to the pool this afternoon and the difference in his temperature whilst in the pool was palpable and I felt very comfortable with keeping him in the pool considerably longer than on previous visits.

His, walking, swimming, dancing, speaking, listening, and being demanding abilities are all improving daily. His walking ability will undoubtedly give us whole new host of safety issues to think about.

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